API endpoints available |
Animals |
catfacts | Cat facts | Random entertaining facts about cats |
dogpics | Dog breed pictures | Dog pictures by breed |
dogpic | Random dog picture | Random dog picture |
dogbreeds | Dog breeds | List of dog breeds |
Barcodes |
upc | UPC Barcode Database | Barcode product information |
Dictionaries |
dictionary | English (US) dictionary | Perform dictionary lookups |
ud | Urban dictionary | Urban dictionary API |
Entertainment |
imdb | imdb | imdb movie database |
Facts |
numberfact | Number facts | Facts for a chosen number |
yearfact | Year fact | Facts for a chosen year |
mathfact | Math facts | Math facts for chosen number |
uselessfacts | Fun but useless facts | Fun but useless facts |
Finance |
forex | Forex Market | Live fiat currency exchange rates |
crypto | Crypto Market | Live crypto currency exchange rates |
btc | BTC balance check | BTC balance checker |
xrp | XRP balance check | XRP balance checker |
ltc | LTC balance check | LTC balance checker |
trx | TRX balance check | TRX balance checker |
dash | DASH balance check | DASH balance checker |
currency | Coinbase | coinbase |
Hashing |
hash | Hash Decrypt | Hash Decrypt (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) |
sha1 | SHA1 encrypt | SHA1 encrypt a string |
md5 | MD5 encrypt | MD5 encrypt a string |
sha256 | SHA256 encrypt | SHA256 encrypt a string |
sha384 | SHA384 encrypt | SHA384 encrypt a string |
sha512 | SHA512 encrypt | SHA512 encrypt a string |
ntlm | NTLM encrypt | NTLM encrypt a string |
Inspiration |
bored | Boredom suggestions | Suggest activities for when you |
affirmation | Random affirmation quote | Random affirmation quote |
Ip |
ip | IP Information | IP address Information |
whoami | Your user data | Details of your IP address |
Jokes |
jokes | Random Jokes | Random joke |
insults | Random Insults | Random insult |
corporatebs | Corporate BS | Random corporate BS generator |
Math |
isPrime | Prime number test | Prime number tester |
isOdd | Odd number test | Test if a number is odd |
isEven | Even number test | Test if a number is even |
pi | Pi calculator | Calculate Pi to 1 million decimal places |
dec2hex | Convert dec to hex | Convert decimal to hexadecimal |
dec2oct | Convert dec to oct | Convert decimal to octal |
dec2bin | Convert dec to bin | Convert decimal to binary |
hex2dec | Convert hex to dec | Convert hexadecimal to decimal |
oct2dec | Convert oct to dec | Convert octal to decimal |
bin2dec | Convert bin to dec | Convert binary to decimal |
datefact | Date facts | Facts for chosen date (mm/dd) |
News |
news | Latest news | Latest news for your chosen topic |
Quotes |
inspiration | Inspirational quotes | Random inspirational quotes |
Science |
nasa | NASA pic of the day | NASA picture of the day |
curiosity | Mars curiosity rover | View images captured from the Mars curiosity rover |
Sport |
football | Football predictions | Football predictions |
Tools |
reverse | Reverse text | Reverse a text string |
Travel |
hotels | City hotels | Search for hotels by city |
postcode | Postcode lookup | Postcode lookup |
countries | List all countries | Complete list of all countries |
cities | City details | City details |
Weather |
weather | Current weather | Latest weather for selected city |
forecast | Weather forecast | Custom weather forecast for selected city and number of days |