How to transfer FSMO roles
Issue the command:
netdom query fsmo
This will show you the current FSMO roles assigned.
To move all FSMO roles, issue the command:
Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole -Identity TEST-PDC01 -OperationMasterRole SchemaMaster, DomainNamingMaster, PDCEmulator, RIDMaster, InfrastructureMaster
where TEST-PDC01 is the name of the target server.
Roles can be grouped with a comma.
Type the following commands one at a time and press enter:
1. ntdsutil
2. roles
3. connections
4. connect to server <Target Server>
5. quit
6. transfer schema master
7. transfer naming master
8. transfer rid master
9. transfer pdc
10. transfer infrastructure master
11. Test with: netdom query fsmo